"The Cimitero di Staglieno is a profound necropolis located in Genoa Italy. Dating back to 1851, when it was first opened, Staglieno's over 18,000 square meters is more museum than burial ground with hundreds of statues and monuments honoring the wealthy Genovese families buried underfoot."
We here at Z-R Inc (John & I) have put together quite a nice calendar for 2009. We had so many great pictures to choose from that we extended it into an 18-month calendar! Included are tidbits on the history of Staglieno and some of the more famous monuments there.
The calendar will be ready just after Thanksgiving and are the perfect gift for your family and friends. If you are interested in purchasing this calendar, please send me an email at darthmaulanie@yahoo.com.
Just a few sample pictures:
We here at Z-R Inc (John & I) have put together quite a nice calendar for 2009. We had so many great pictures to choose from that we extended it into an 18-month calendar! Included are tidbits on the history of Staglieno and some of the more famous monuments there.
The calendar will be ready just after Thanksgiving and are the perfect gift for your family and friends. If you are interested in purchasing this calendar, please send me an email at darthmaulanie@yahoo.com.
Just a few sample pictures: